Mission Statement
To educate, enrich, and entertain its customers (patrons) regardless of age, race, place of residence, or socioeconomic status.
Serving the people of Humphreys County continuously since 1965, the Humphreys County Library is committed not only to the traditional mission of information, literacy, and public education but also to the concept of a new type of “town square” that seeks out community partnerships and outreach programs while utilizing the emerging fields of info-technology and e-electronics.
Humphreys County Library Needs Assessment Survey
Tell us how the Humphreys County Library can serve you! Your feedback provides valuable insight as to how the Library can better meet county-wide community needs. Please complete one survey per person. Your answers will remain anonymous, however, they will be utilized for data collection for library planning. The survey is optional, and you may opt out of it at any point.